2024年11月10日 星期日

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 8.6 & I 8.6.3)。From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria(C 8.6 & I 8.6.3).

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,森林經營委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求,其他內容請參考https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/

8. Operation運營

8.6 Maintenance or appropriate enhancement of socio-economic functions and conditions


8.6.3 The sites with recognized specific historical, cultural or spiritual significance and areas fundamental to meeting the needs of indigenous peoples and local communities (e.g. health, subsistence) shall be protected or managed in a way that takes due regard of the significance of the site.

8.6.3 具有公認特定歷史、文化或精神意義的地點和對滿足原住民和當地社區需求(如健康、生活必需品)的重要區域應得到保護或以適當考慮其重要性的方式進行管理。




1.         提供對森林內具有特殊歷史、文化或精神意義的地點的社會價值調查報告。

2.         提供與當地社區合作調查判識及經營諮詢的紀錄,例如:社區會議記錄、協商協議等。

3.         提供針對這些特殊地點的管理計畫,說明如何保護和管理這些區域。

4.         提供保障原住民權益的相關文件,例如:協議、政策等。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified. For more information, please refer to https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/.

8. Operation

8.6 Maintenance or appropriate enhancement of socio-economic functions and conditions.

8.6.3 The sites with recognized specific historical, cultural or spiritual significance and areas fundamental to meeting the needs of indigenous peoples and local communities (e.g. health, subsistence) shall be protected or managed in a way that takes due regard of the significance of the site.

Preparation of possible information:

        Historical, cultural, or spiritually significant sites in the forest, such as indigenous sacred sites, monuments, etc., should be respected and protected. Forests should meet the needs of local people, especially indigenous people who depend on forests, for example: providing food, medicinal herbs, etc.

Therefore, organizations should prepare the following data:

1.         Provide a survey of the social value of sites of particular historical, cultural or spiritual significance within the forest.

2.         Provide records of cooperative surveys and management strategy consultations with local communities, such as community meeting minutes, negotiation agreements, etc.

3.         Provide a management plan for these special sites that explains how to protect and manage these areas.

4.     Provide relevant documents to protect the rights and interests of indigenous peoples, such as agreements, policies, etc.

