2024年11月6日 星期三

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 8.4 & I 8.4.13)。From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria(C 8.4 & I 8.4.13).

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,森林經營委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求,其他內容請參考https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/

8. Operation運營

8.4 Maintenance, conservation and appropriate enhancement of biological diversity in forest ecosystems.


8.4.13 The standing and fallen dead wood, hollow trees, old groves and rare tree species shall be left in quantities and distribution necessary to safeguard biological diversity, taking into account the potential effect on the health and stability of forests and on surrounding ecosystems.

8.4.13 應保留適量和分佈的站立和倒下的枯木、中空樹木、老樹林和稀有樹種,以保障生物多樣性,同時考慮對森林健康和穩定性以及周圍生態系統的潛在影響。


       保留枯立木、枯倒木,空心木及稀有樹種, 在保留這些元素的同時,也要考量對森林整體健康和周邊生態系統的影響。


1.         提供調查報告,包括數量、分布、樹種等資訊。

2.         說明組織如何制定並執行老樹、枯木等保留的標準。

3.         提供保留這些元素對森林健康和周邊生態系統的影響評估。

4.         提供監測結果,以追蹤保留措施的效果。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified. For more information, please refer to https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/.

8. Operation

8.4 Maintenance, conservation and appropriate enhancement of biological diversity in forest ecosystems.

8.4.13 The standing and fallen dead wood, hollow trees, old groves and rare tree species shall be left in quantities and distribution necessary to safeguard biological diversity, taking into account the potential effect on the health and stability of forests and on surrounding ecosystems.

Preparation of possible information:

       Retain dead standing trees, dead fallen trees, hollow trees and rare tree species, while retaining these elements, also considering the impact on the overall health of the forest and the surrounding ecosystem.

Therefore, organizations should prepare the following data:

1.         Provide survey reports, including information on numbers, distributions, tree species, etc.

2.         Explain how the organization develops and enforces retaining standards for old trees, dead trees, etc.

3.         Provides an assessment of the impact of retaining these elements on forest health and surrounding ecosystems.

4.     Provides monitoring results to track the effectiveness of retention measures.

