2024年11月14日 星期四

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.1 & I 10.1.3)。From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.1 & I 10.1.3).

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,森林經營委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求,其他內容請參考https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/

10. Improvement

10. 改善

10.1. Nonconformity and corrective action of nonconformity:

10.1.3. The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of

a)    the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken;

b)    the results of any corrective action.

10.1.3 組織應保留文件化資訊,作為以下方面的證據:

a) 不符合項的本質及其後續採取的行動;

b) 任何糾正措施的結果。



1.        提供不符合項的描述說明、發生時間、地點、影響範圍等。

2.        提供針對不符合項所採取的糾正措施、責任人、完成期限等。

3.        提供糾正措施實施記錄,包括:效果評估、相關人員簽名等。

4.        如果糾正措施涉及到經營系統的修改,應有相應的文件更新記錄。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified. For more information, please refer to https://sustainableforest.blogspot.com/.

10. Improvement

10.1. Nonconformity and corrective action of nonconformity:

10.1.3. The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of:

a)    the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken;

b)    the results of any corrective action.

Preparation of possible information:

       Organization is required to keep all relevant documentation on non-conformities as a basis for future audits or reviews. By keeping detailed records, organization clearly show how the problem was handled and what it was resulting in. Therefore, organizations should prepare the following data:

1.        Provide a description of the nonconformance, when it occurred, where it occurred, and where it was affected.

2.        Provide corrective actions taken for non-conformities, responsible persons, deadlines for completion, etc.

3.        Provide corrective action implementation records, including: effect evaluation, signatures of relevant personnel, etc.

4.        If the corrective action involves a modification of the management system, there should be a corresponding document update record.

