2024年4月22日 星期一

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.12)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.12)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.12. The Organization shall dispose of waste materials in an environmentally appropriate manner.

準則10.12. 組織應以環境適宜方式處置廢棄物


1. 組織應說明廢棄物處理方式,例如:符合當地法規和環境保護規範、採取減少廢棄物產生的措施、已盡量將廢棄物進行回收再利用、無法再利用或回收的廢棄物,應以妥善的方式進行處置。

2. 組織提供文件及實務做法,例如:相關廢棄物處理程序等、廢棄物進行分類處理、設立廢棄物暫存區、定期清理廢棄物、委託合格業者處理 hazardous 廢棄物以備驗證。

3. 現地訪視,確認組織,以環境適宜方式處置廢棄物。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.12. The Organization shall dispose of waste materials in an environmentally appropriate manner.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should explain how waste is disposed of, e.g., compliance with local regulations and environmental protection norms, measures to reduce waste generation, waste that has been recycled and reused as much as possible, and waste that cannot be reused or recycled should be disposed of in a proper manner.

2. Organization provide the documents and practices, such as relevant waste disposal procedures, waste classification, waste temporary storage areas, regular cleaning of waste, and entrustment of hazardous waste disposal to qualified operators.

3. On-site visits to confirm the organization used an environmentally appropriate manner to dispose the waste.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.11)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.11)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.11. The Organization shall manage activities associated with harvesting and extraction of timber and non-timber forest products (NTFP) so that environmental values are conserved, merchantable waste is reduced, and damage to other products and services is avoided.

準則10.11. 為保護環境價值、減少商品廢棄物,並避免對其他產品和服務造成損害,組織應對木材和非木質林產品(NTFP)之伐採和採集相關活動進行管理。


1. 組織應說明與伐木或非木質林產品收穫活動相關的活動,例如: 最適價值的林木伐採、立地留存木的保護。立地保留死亡、腐朽之生物量等活動以保護環境價值。

2. 現地訪視,確認組織,針對伐採跡地,有考慮上述為保護環境價值的留存活動。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.11. The Organization shall manage activities associated with harvesting and extraction of timber and non-timber forest products (NTFP) so that environmental values are conserved, merchantable waste is reduced, and damage to other products and services is avoided.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should describe activities related to logging or harvesting of non-timber forest products, e.g. harvesting practices is to optimize the use of forest products, protection of retained trees on site. Preservation of dead and decaying biomass on site to protect environmental values.

2. On-site visits to confirm that the organization considers the above-mentioned retention activities for the protection of environmental values in the area of harvesting sites.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.10)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.10)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.10 The Organization shall manage infrastructural development, transport activities and silviculture so that water resources and soils are protected, and disturbance of and damage to rare and threatened species, habitats, ecosystems and landscape values are prevented, mitigated and/or repaired.

準則10.10. 為保護水資源與土壤,並預防、減緩及/或修復對珍稀與受威脅物種、棲息地、生態系及地景價值之干擾與損害,組織應對基礎設施開發、運輸活動及育林作業進行管理。


1. 組織應說明那些開發案及作業活動,已依據甚麼保護措施 ,進行管理與調整。

2. 組織應提供相關於在作業活動時,對水資源、土壤、瀕稀物種、棲地、生態價值影響的保護措施等文件,例如:水資源與濱水帶保護程序書、生態保育作業程序書等。

3. 現地訪視,確認組織的開發案及作業活動,有進行調整與管理。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.10 The Organization shall manage infrastructural development, transport activities and silviculture so that water resources and soils are protected, and disturbance of and damage to rare and threatened species, habitats, ecosystems and landscape values are prevented, mitigated and/or repaired.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should explain the development projects and operations that have been managed and adjusted according to the protective measures.

2. The organization shall provide documents related to the protection measures that affect water resources, soils, endangered species, habitats, and ecological values during operational activities for verification, such as procedures for the protection of water resources and waterfronts, and procedures for ecological conservation.

3. On-site visits, confirmation of the organization's development projects and operational activities, adjustment and management.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.9)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.9)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.9 The Organization shall assess risks and implement activities that reduce potential negative impacts from natural hazards proportionate to scale, intensity, and risk.

準則10.9. 組織應適度依據規模、強度和風險,評估風險與活動之執行,降低天然災害之潛在負面影響。


1.     組織應提供風險評估文件,例如: 林地位於土石流潛勢區,則需要評估該區域對組織作業活動可能影響。

2.    根據風險評估的結果,組織可以制定相應的計畫並執行以降低自然災害的影響的紀錄,例如:組織進行定期的緊急火災演練,以確保員工在林火發生時,如何滅火。

3.     現地訪視,確認組織的活動之執行,能降低天然災害之潛在負面影響。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.9 The Organization shall assess risks and implement activities that reduce potential negative impacts from natural hazards proportionate to scale, intensity, and risk.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should provide risk assessment documents. For example, if the forest land is located in a landslide potential area, it is necessary to assess the possible impact of this area on the organization's operational activities.

2. Based on the results of the risk assessment, the organization can develop a plan and implement it to reduce the impact of natural disasters, for example, the organization conducts regular emergency fire drills to ensure that employees are able to extinguish fires in the event of a forest fire.

3. On-site visits to confirm that the implementation of the organization's activities can reduce the potential negative impact of natural disasters. 

2024年4月21日 星期日

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.8)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.8)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.8. The Organization shall minimize, monitor and strictly control the use of biological control agents in accordance with internationally accepted scientific protocols. When biological control agents are used, The Organization shall prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values.

準則10.8. 依據國際公認之科學協議,組織應減少、監測及嚴格管控生物防治劑之施用。當施用生物防治劑時,組織應對環境價值之損害加以預防、減緩和/或修復。


1.     組織應提供文件(例如:相關程序書、紀錄需包括其類型、施用量、施用期間、區域及原因)

2.     組織員工應能展示說明,當施用生物防治劑,以國際公認科學協議方式,減少及監控生物防治劑的施用。。

3.     組織若施用生物防治劑,應提供對環境價值及人體健康損害之有預防、減緩和/或修復的措施。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.8. The Organization shall minimize, monitor and strictly control the use of biological control agents in accordance with internationally accepted scientific protocols. When biological control agents are used, The Organization shall prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should provide documentation (e.g. relevant procedures and records should include Biological control agents’ type, dosage, application period, area and reason).

2. The staff of the organization should be able to demonstrate the use of biological control agents when they are applied, and how to reduce and monitor the application of biological control agents in an internationally recognized scientific manner.

3. Organization that administer biological control agents should provide measures for prevention, mitigation and/or remediation of damage to environmental values and human health.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.7)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.7)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.7 The Organization shall use integrated pest management and silviculture systems which avoid, or aim at eliminating, the use of chemical pesticides. The Organization shall not use any chemical pesticides prohibited by FSC policy. When pesticides are used, The Organization shall prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values and human health.

準則10.7. 組織應採用能避免或減少施用化學農藥為目標之病蟲害綜合防治與育林作業法。組織不應施用任何FSC政策禁止之化學農藥。當組織施用農藥時,應對環境價值及人體健康之損害加以預防、減緩、及/或修復。


1.         組織應提供文件(例如:相關程序書)並說明如何採用病蟲害綜合防治措施及育林作業法,以避免或減少施用化學農藥的措施,例如:栽種健康種苗、即時清除罹病株以減少苗床間感染源、防除媒介昆蟲等,以降低病菌傳播等。

2.         組織員工應能操作展示,如何確認所使用的化學農藥,屬非FSC政策禁止的化學藥劑。

3.         組織若使用化學農藥,應提供對環境價值及人體健康損害之預防、減緩和/或修復措施的環境社會風險評估報告(ESRA)

4.         組織應提供持續監測結果和依據結果所進行的改善,例如,定期進行內部稽核。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.7 The Organization shall use integrated pest management and silviculture systems which avoid, or aim at eliminating, the use of chemical pesticides. The Organization shall not use any chemical pesticides prohibited by FSC policy. When pesticides are used, The Organization shall prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values and human health.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.         Organization should provide documentation (e.g. relevant protocols) on how to adopt integrated pest management (IPM) and silvicultural practices to avoid or reduce the use of chemical pesticides, e.g. planting healthy seedlings, immediate removal of diseased plants to reduce the source of infection between seedbeds, control of vector insects, etc., to reduce the spread of pathogens, etc.

2.         Employees should be able to demonstrate how to confirm that the chemical pesticides used are not prohibited by the FSC policy.

3.         If an organization uses chemical pesticides, it should provide an Environmental Social Risk Assessment Report (ESRA) with preventive, mitigation and/or remedial measures to environmental values and human health.

4.         The organization should provide continuous monitoring of the results and improvements made based on the results, for example, conducting regular internal audits.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.6)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.6)


關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.6 The Organization shall minimize or avoid the use of fertilizers. When fertilizers are used, The Organization shall demonstrate that use is equally or more ecologically and economically beneficial than use of silvicultural systems that do not require fertilizers, and prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values, including soils.

準則10.6. 組織應減少或避免施用肥料。當施用肥料時,組織應證明施用肥料之育林作業,相等或高於不施用肥料者之生態和經濟效益,同時預防、減緩和/或修復對環境價值及土壤之損害。


1.         組織應有最小化或避免使用肥料的措施,例如: 採用適地適木造林方式或者使用有機農業方法,如堆肥或綠肥,提供苗木所需的營養等措施。

2.         組織若使用肥料,應提供研究或資料數據分析,以證明使用肥料比不使用肥料的育林系統,更具生態和經濟效益。

3.         組織若使用肥料,應有預防、減緩和/或修復對環境價值及土壤之損害的措施,包括改變施肥方法,例如:使用精確施肥技術,以及發現環境損害後,採取修復土壤修復措施

4.         組織應提供持續監測結果和依據結果所進行的改善,例如,定期進行內部稽核。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.6 The Organization shall minimize or avoid the use of fertilizers. When fertilizers are used, The Organization shall demonstrate that use is equally or more ecologically and economically beneficial than use of silvicultural systems that do not require fertilizers, and prevent, mitigate, and/or repair damage to environmental values, including soils.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.         Organizations should have measures to minimize or avoid the use of fertilizers, such as using the right place for the right tree afforestation or using organic farming methods such as compost or green manure to provide the nutrients needed by the seedlings.

2.         If the organization uses fertilizer, it should provide research or data analysis to demonstrate that the use of fertilizer is more ecologically and economically beneficial than the silviculture system without fertilizer.

3.         If the organization uses fertilizer, it should take measures to prevent, mitigate and/or repair damage to environmental values and soils, including changing fertilization methods, such as using precision fertilization techniques, and taking measures such as soil remediation when environmental damage is detected.

4.         The organization should provide continuous monitoring of the results and improvements made based on the results, for example, conducting regular internal audits.

2024年4月20日 星期六

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.5)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.5)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.5 The Organization shall use silvicultural practices that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species, sites and management objectives.

準則10.5. 組織應使用生態上適合植被、物種、立地及經營目標之育林作業。


1.         組織應提供相關文件,例如:育林作業計畫或程序書,內容包括育林目標、育林方式、保育措施等。

2.         組織人員應能說明組織的育林目標、育林方式、保育措施等。

3.         現地訪視,確認組織育林作業的執行狀況。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.5 The Organization shall use silvicultural practices that are ecologically appropriate for the vegetation, species, sites and management objectives.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.         The organization should provide relevant documents, such as silvicultural operation plans or procedures, including silvicultural objectives, silvicultural methods, conservation measures, etc.

2.         The organization should be able to explain the organization's silvicultural objectives, methods, conservation measures, etc.

3.         On-site visits to confirm the implementation status of the organization's silvicultural operations.

2024年4月19日 星期五

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.4)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.4)


關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.4 The Organization shall not use genetically modified organisms in the Management unit.

準則10.4. 組織不應在經營單元內使用基因改造生物。


1.         組織人員應能說明組織無使用基因改造生物。

2.         現地訪視,確認組織無使用基因改造生物。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.4 The Organization shall not use genetically modified organisms in the Management unit.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.         The organization should be able to explain that the organization is not using genetically modified organisms.

2.         On-site visits to confirm that the organization is not using GMOs.

2024年4月16日 星期二

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 10.3)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 10.3)


關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 10.3. The Organization shall only use alien species when knowledge and/or experience have shown that any invasive impacts can be controlled and effective mitigation measures are in place.

準則10.3. 惟有當知識及/或經驗顯示入侵影響能被控制且減緩措施能有效執行時,組織方可採用外來種。


1.     組織人員應能說明目前的造林樹種是否為外來樹種?及採用外來樹種理由(如果有使用)

2.     組織能提供採用外來樹種(如果有使用),所進行的控制且減緩措施文件及不造成外擴的證據事實。

3.     現地訪視,確認組織所採用的外來造林樹種,以依所訂的措施,已有效受到控制。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 10.3. The Organization shall only use alien species when knowledge and/or experience have shown that any invasive impacts can be controlled and effective mitigation measures are in place.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1. The organization should be able to explain whether the current afforestation species is alien and the reason for using the alien species (if any).

2. The organization can provide documentation of the use of alien species (if used), documentation of control and mitigation measures carried out, and evidence of the fact that there is no outreach.

3. On-site visits to confirm that the alien afforestation species used by the organization are effectively controlled by measures set.