2024年3月29日 星期五

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 5.2)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 5.2)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 5.2. The Organization shall normally harvest products and services from the Management unit at or below a level which can be permanently sustained.

準則5.2. 組織應符合或低於永續維持水準,使經營單元正常收穫產品和服務。


1.        組織提供文件,說明所制定之永續收穫量,其計算方法是依據森林生長量、產量、蓄積量、死亡率等估算的。

2.        組織有監測收穫量低於或符合永續收穫量的機制。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 5.2. The Organization shall normally harvest products and services from the Management unit at or below a level which can be permanently sustained.

 Data Sources to be Prepared 

1.        The organization provides a document stating that the established sustainable harvest is calculated based on the forest growth, yield, forest inventory, mortality rate, etc.

2.        The organization has a mechanism to monitor the harvest below or in line with the sustainable harvest level.

2024年3月27日 星期三

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 5.1)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 5.1)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 5.1. The Organization shall identify, produce, or enable the production of, diversified benefits and/or products, based on the range of resources and ecosystem services existing in the Management unit in order to strengthen and diversify the local economy proportionate to the scale and intensity of management activities.

準則5.1. 依據經營單元現有資源和生態系服務範圍,組織應確認、生產或可多元化生產之效益和/或產品,並依其經營活動規模與強度,適切強化及多元化當地經濟。


1.        組織提供文件,識別說明驗證範圍內的資源,例如:木材、非木材產品等和生態系統服務,例如:水源涵養、休憩遊樂等。

2.        組織說明與提供文件紀錄,應用所識別的產品與服務,強化與多樣化當地經濟,例如:利用當地加工廠進行產品加工、提供場地共同推廣產品等。

3.        能從現地的檢視及社區成員或專家訪談,獲得證實。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 5.1. The Organization shall identify, produce, or enable the production of, diversified benefits and/or products, based on the range of resources and ecosystem services existing in the Management unit in order to strengthen and diversify the local economy proportionate to the scale and intensity of management activities.

 Data Sources to be Prepared

1.        Organization provides documentation identifying resources within certification scope, e.g., timber, non-timber products, etc. and ecosystem services, e.g., water conservation, recreation, etc.

2.        Organization provides documentation of applying the identified products and services to strengthen and diversify the local economy, e.g., using local processing plants for product processing, providing a venue for joint promotion of products, etc.

3.        This can be confirmed through on-site visiting and interviews with community members.

續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 9.4)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 9.4)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 9.4. The Organization shall demonstrate that periodic monitoring is carried out to assess changes in the status of High Conservation Values, and shall adapt its management strategies to ensure their effective protection. The monitoring shall be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of management activities, and shall include engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and experts.

準則9.4. 組織應證明進行定期監測以評估高保育價值狀態變化,並調整經營策略確保有效之保護。監測應符合經營活動之規模、強度和風險,並包括受影響、感興趣利益相關方及專家之參與。


1.        組織人員能清楚說明,針對高保育價值區域的監測內容,例如:監測項目、頻率與結果等。

2.        保育價值區域的監測有參考諮詢受影響、感興趣利益相關方及專家之意見。

3.        針對高保育價值區域,組織提供HCV評估與管理報告書、監測計畫書、監測結果表單紀錄、及監測摘要等。

4.        組織應說明策略是依監測結果調適而來,並提供文件\紀錄。

5.        能從現地的檢視及社區成員或專家訪談,獲得證實。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 9.4. The Organization shall demonstrate that periodic monitoring is carried out to assess changes in the status of High Conservation Values, and shall adapt its management strategies to ensure their effective protection. The monitoring shall be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of management activities, and shall include engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and experts. 

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.        Organizers can clearly explain what to monitor in areas of high conservation value, e.g. items, frequency and results.

2.        Areas of Conservation Value are monitored with the advice of affected, interested stakeholders and experts.

3.        For areas with high conservation value, the organization provides monitoring plans, monitoring results, records, and monitoring summaries.

4.        The organization should explain that the developed strategy is based on the results of the monitoring and provide documentation/documentation.

5.        This can be confirmed through on-site visiting and interviews with community members and/or experts.

續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 9.3)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 9.3)

 關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 9.3. The Organization shall implement strategies and actions that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values. These strategies and actions shall implement the precautionary approach and be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of management activities.

準則9.3. 組織應實施維持和/或提升經確認高保育價值之策略和活動,且涵蓋符合經營活動規模、強度和風險之預防性措施。 


1.        組織人員能清楚說明,在已判識之HCV區域,若有經營活動,是否有預防性措施(例如:事前影響評估與保護計畫擬定等)

2.        針對高保育價值區域,組織人員能清楚說明,組織的維護或強化策略與具體作為,例如:如何維護瀕臨滅絕的物種棲息地?如何強化影響社區或主通道的土石崩塌地?

3.        組織應提供HCV評估與管理報告書,內容包括:維護或強化高保育價值的策略與具體作為的文件\紀錄。

4.        能從現地的檢視及社區成員或專家訪談,獲得證實。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 9.3. The Organization shall implement strategies and actions that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values. These strategies and actions shall implement the precautionary approach and be proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of management activities.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.     The organization staff can clearly explain whether there are preventive measures (e.g., pre-impact assessment, protection plan drafting, etc.) in the identified HCV area, if management activities occurred in the HCV area.

2.     For areas of high conservation value, the organization can clearly explain the organization's maintenance or enhancement strategies and specific actions, for example, How to maintain the habitat of an endangered species? How can landslides affecting communities or main roads be strengthened?

3.     Organizations should provide documentation\records of specific actions to maintain or enhance high conservation values.

4.       This can be confirmed through on-site visiting and interviews with community members or experts.

2024年3月26日 星期二

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 9.2)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 9.2)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 9.2. The Organization shall develop effective strategies that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values, through engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and experts.

準則9.2. 組織應透過受影響並感興趣利益相關方及專家之參與,制訂有效策略,維持和/或提升經確認之高保育價值。 


組織經過判識後所確定之高保育價值需要有利害相關方及專家參與制定的策略紀錄,包括:利害相關方(當地社區、專家和政府機構等)參與訪談等紀錄。所以組織可以檢查一下:是否已制定有效的策略來維持和/或提高 HCV?是否已與利害相關方和專家合作制定 HCV 策略?所訂定的維持和/或提高HCV 策略是否定期評估及調整其有效性?


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 9.2. The Organization shall develop effective strategies that maintain and/or enhance the identified High Conservation Values, through engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and experts.

 Data Sources to be Prepared

       The high conservation value identified by the organization requires the participation of stakeholders and experts to develop a record of the strategy. The record includes the participation of stakeholders (local communities, experts, government agencies, etc.) in interviews. Therefore, organizations can check: Is there an effective strategy in place to maintain and/or improve HCV? Is it working with stakeholders and experts to develop an HCV strategy? Is the effectiveness of the strategy for maintaining and/or enhancing HCV regularly evaluated and adjusted? 

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 9.1)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 9.1)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 9.1. The Organization, through engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and other means and sources, shall assess and record the presence and status of the following High Conservation Values in the Management unit, proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of impacts of management activities, and likelihood of the occurrence of the High Conservation Values.

準則9.1. 組織應透過受影響利益相關方和感興趣利益相關方之參與及其他方法與來源,並符合經營活動之規模、強度、風險,和高保育價值出現之可能性,對經營單元內下列高保育價值之存在與狀況進行評估和記錄。 


組織提供所判識之高保育價值紀錄,包括:利害相關方(當地社區、NGO團體和政府機構等)參與訪談紀錄、查詢相關文獻資料、使用衛星影像、田野調查來評估 HCV 的存在和狀態等紀錄。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 9.1. The Organization, through engagement with affected stakeholders, interested stakeholders and other means and sources, shall assess and record the presence and status of the following High Conservation Values in the Management unit, proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk of impacts of management activities, and likelihood of the occurrence of the High Conservation Values.

Data Sources to be Prepared

The organization need to provide records of the identification of high conservation value, including records of stakeholder participation (local communities, NGOs, government agencies, etc.), interviews with stakeholders (local communities, NGOs, government agencies, etc.), and records of relevant literature searches, satellite imagery, and field surveys to assess the presence and status of HCV.

2024年3月25日 星期一

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.6)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.6)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.6. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of management activities, proactively and transparently engage affected stakeholders in its management planning and monitoring processes, and shall engage interested stakeholders on request.

準則7.6. 組織應適切依據經營活動之規模、強度和風險程度,主動且透明地邀請受影響之利益相關方參與經營規劃和監測程序。當感興趣之利益相關方要求時,應允許參與。


1.        組織應在森林經營規劃中,積極主動地與利害相關方進行溝通,例如:召開說明會,聽取納入利害相關方的意見。

2.        組織應在實施監測過程中,積極主動地聽取利害相關方意見,邀請參與監測活動。例如:應非政府組織要求,就森林經營活動進行溝通,並回答政府組織提出的問題。

3.        受影響權利擁有者或受影響及感興趣利害相關方,包括:婦女、青年、老年人、弱勢團體的代表。

4.        組織應提供已確認之會議文件記錄。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.6. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of management activities, proactively and transparently engage affected stakeholders in its management planning and monitoring processes, and shall engage interested stakeholders on request.
Data Sources to be Prepared 
1.        Organization should engage with stakeholders in forest management planning, e.g., by holding a meeting and collecting the opinions from stakeholders.
2.        In the process of implementing monitoring, organization should engage with stakeholders and invite them to participate in monitoring activities. For example, communicating with non-governmental organizations on forest management activities and answering their questions.
3.        Members of affected rights holders or affected and interested stakeholders should include women, youth, older persons, representatives of vulnerable groups. 
4.                    The organization shall provide a confirmed record of the meeting.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.5)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.5)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.5. The Organization shall make publicly available a summary of the management plan free of charge. Excluding confidential information, other relevant components of the management plan shall be made available to affected stakeholders on request, and at cost of reproduction and handling.

準則7.5. 組織之經營計畫摘要,應可免費公開取得。 除機密資訊外,當受影響之利益相關方要求時,應可取得相關經營計畫內容,且酌收工本費。


  1. 組織應在網站或其他公開平台上公開森林經營計畫的摘要。
  2. 摘要,內含地圖,應包括森林資源狀況、森林經營政策及目標、及為達永續目標的森林經營活動等內容。
  3. 組織可以建立森林經營計畫摘要的索取和提供流程,例如:在相關程序書中訂定。
  4. 組織可以對提供給利害相關方的森林經營計畫摘要內容,收取合理的費用。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.5. The Organization shall make publicly available a summary of the management plan free of charge. Excluding confidential information, other relevant components of the management plan shall be made available to affected stakeholders on request, and at cost of reproduction and handling. 

Data Sources to be Prepared 

1.        Organization should publish a summary of their forest management plans on their website or other publicly available platforms.

2.        The summary should include a map, the status of forest resources, forest management policies and targets, and forest management activities to achieve sustainability goals.

3.        Organization can establish a requesting procedure and provide a summary of a forest management plan.

4.                     Organization may charge a reasonable fee for the content of the summary of the forest management plan provided to stakeholders. 

2024年3月21日 星期四

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.4)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.4)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.4. The Organization shall update and revise periodically the management planning and procedural documentation to incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder engagement or new scientific and technical information, as well as to respond to changing environmental, social and economic circumstances.

準則7.4. 組織應納入監測和評估結果、利益相關方之參與或新科學及技術資訊,並反應環境、社會、經濟狀況的變動,定期更新並修訂經營規劃與程序文件。 


1.        組織應提出文件並說明如何定期更新修定經營計畫書

2.        組織在短、中、長期經營計畫書內,有清楚訂定修定更新的定期時間,例如:每年、十年修定一次。

3.        組織應應提出文件內容,說明修定更新的內容已納入監測和評估結果、利害相關方之參與或科技術新知,同時也反應環境、社會、經濟狀況的變動。


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.4. The Organization shall update and revise periodically the management planning and procedural documentation to incorporate the results of monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder engagement or new scientific and technical information, as well as to respond to changing environmental, social and economic circumstances.

 Data Sources to be Prepared 

  1. The organization provides documents and explains how to update the management plan on a regular period basis.
  2. In the short, medium and long-term management plans, the organization has a clear time period for revision and update, e.g., once a year or every ten years.
  3. Organization will provide documentation that the revised and updated content has incorporated monitoring and assessment results, stakeholder engagements or scientific and technological information updates, and that it also reflects changes in environmental, social and economic conditions.

2024年3月20日 星期三

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.3)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.3)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.3. The management plan shall include verifiable targets by which progress towards each of the prescribed management objectives can be assessed.

準則7.3. 經營計畫應包括評估各預定經營目標執行進度之可查核標的。


  1. 組織應依SMART 即具體、可衡量、可達成、相關、有時限的制定目標。
  2. 組織在短、中、長期經營計畫書內,有清楚訂定可評估查核的目標,例如: 每年立木伐採量為5,000 立方公尺。
  3. 組織應提供監測計畫、監測報告、摘要,有包括目標達成之監測和評估。

The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.3. The management plan shall include verifiable targets by which progress towards each of the prescribed management objectives can be assessed.

Data Sources to be Prepared 

1.        Organizations should set objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound in accordance with SMART.

2.        In the short, medium and long-term management plans, the organization clearly sets the objectives that can be assessed and checked, e.g., 5,000 cubic meters of timber harvesting per year.

3.        The organization provides monitoring plan, monitoring report, public summaries, including monitoring and evaluation of the achievement of objectives for verification.

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.2)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.2)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.2. The Organization shall have and implement a management plan for the Management unit which is fully consistent with the policies and management objectives as established according to Criterion 7.1. The management plan shall describe the natural resources that exist in the Management unit and explain how the plan will meet the FSC certification requirements. The management plan shall cover forest management planning and social management planning proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of the planned activities.

準則7.2. 組織應制訂和實施經營計畫,以利經營單元完全符合準則7.1之政策和經營目標。該經營計畫須闡述經營單元現有自然資源、如何達成FSC驗證要求,並依經營活動規模、強度和風險適切規劃森林經營和社會經營。

小林是一家林業企業的經理,針對FSC 森林經理驗證準則 7.2 要求組織要制定並實施與準則 7.1 規定的政策和管理目標完全一致的森林經營計畫。因此小林和他的團隊開始修定與檢討今年應更新的中、長期森林經營計畫。他們首先對自然資源進行了調查,包括森林類型、樹種、年齡、生長狀況、動物相等。然後,他們根據調查結果,制定了森林及社會的經營目標,包括森林採伐量、森林撫育措施、森林保護措施、社區經濟與環境發展等。同時檢視森林經營計畫是否與準則 7.1 規定的政策和經營目標一致?森林經營計畫是否描述了自然資源狀況?森林經營計畫是否說明了如何滿足 FSC 驗證要求內容?森林經營計畫是否涵蓋了森林經營規劃和社會經營規劃?


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.2. The Organization shall have and implement a management plan for the Management unit which is fully consistent with the policies and management objectives as established according to Criterion 7.1. The management plan shall describe the natural resources that exist in the Management unit and explain how the plan will meet the FSC certification requirements. The management plan shall cover forest management planning and social management planning proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of the planned activities. 

Data Sources to be Prepared 

Mr. Kobayashi is a manager of a forestry company. Based on the requirement of Criterion 7.2, the organization needs to develop and implement a forest management plan that is fully aligned with the policies and management objectives set out in Criterion 7.1. As a result, Mr. Kobayashi and his team began to revise and review the medium- and long-term forest management plan that should be updated this year. They began by surveying natural resources, including forest type, tree species, age, growth status, fauna, etc. Then, based on the results of the survey, they set forest and social management goals, including the amount of forest harvesting, forest tending measures, forest protection measures, economic and environmental development for community, etc. Also examine whether the forest management plan is consistent with the policies and management objectives set out in Criterion 7.1? Does the forest management plan describe the state of natural resources? Does the forest management plan explain how to meet the FSC certification requirements? Does the plan cover the forest management planning and the social management planning?

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 7.1)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 7.1)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 7.1. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, set policies (visions and values) and objectives for management, which are environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable. Summaries of these policies and objectives shall be incorporated into the management plan, and publicized.

準則7.1. 組織應依據經營活動規模、強度與風險,訂定符合環境健全、社會有益及經濟可行之政策(願景及價值)及經營目標。政策及目標之摘要應納入經營計畫並公開。 


1.        組織有根據其經營活動的規模、強度和風險,在經營計畫書內,表明了森林經營政策和可衡量的目標。

2.        組織的政策和目標有符合環境、社會和經濟效益的要求。

3.        組織提供有納入政策和目標的森林經營計畫摘要。

4.        組織訪談的人員類型:組織業辦人員及社區成員等。         


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 7.1. The Organization shall, proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, set policies (visions and values) and objectives for management, which are environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable. Summaries of these policies and objectives shall be incorporated into the management plan, and publicized.

 Data Sources to be Prepared

  1. Based on the scale, intensity and risk of management activities, the organization has indicated the forest    management policy and measurable objectives in the management plan.
  2.   The organization's policies and objectives are consistent with environmental, social and economic benefits. 
  3. The organization provides a summary of the forest management plan with policies and objectives incorporated.
  4.   Could be confirmed by interviewing with organization staff and community members, etc. 

永續森林經營發生的二三事...FSC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 8.5)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for FSC Forest Management Criteria(C 8.5)

關於FSC FM的標準,其10項原則與70項準則,是屬全球性通用的。因此國、公、私有林經營者,在申請FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。

Criterion 8.5. The Organization shall have and implement a tracking and tracing system proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, for demonstrating the source and volume in proportion to projected output for each year, of all products from the Management unit that are marketed as FSC certified.

準則8.5. 組織應依經營活動規模、強度和風險適切制訂及實施追蹤及追溯系統,揭示所有產自經營單元且有FSC驗證標記之產品,其來源與數量是有依照每年的預計產量的比例。


1.        組織應制訂及實施追蹤及追溯系統,包括:程序書、紀錄表單、發票、運送單據等。

2.        組織以FSC商標所證標記之產品,其來源與數量是有依照每年的預計產量的比例。

3.        組織提供紀錄,包括:年度彙總表、明細表、放行單等,內容包含:物種學名及俗名;產品名稱或產品說明;產品材積/重量(或數量); 追溯物料到伐區的資訊;伐採日期;假如有在林地施作基礎,提供加工之日期與材積/重量;及標示是否以FSC驗證產品販售等內容。

4.        組織提供至少保存5年的銷售發票或類似文件,內容包含: 採購者名稱和地址; 銷售日期;物種學名及俗名;產品說明;銷售材積/重量(或數量)FSC FM/COC證書號碼;及FSC聲明"FSC 100%"


The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and other factors for verification:

Criterion 8.5. The Organization shall have and implement a tracking and tracing system proportionate to scale, intensity and risk of its management activities, for demonstrating the source and volume in proportion to projected output for each year, of all products from the Management unit that are marketed as FSC certified.

Data Sources to be Prepared

1.        The organization shall develop and implement a tracking and tracing system, including: ProceduresRecordsInvoicesShipping documents, etc.

2.        The products marked with the FSC trademark by the organization have their source and quantity in proportion to the annual planned output.

3.        The organization shall provide Records, including: Annual volume summary; Input/output tables, etc. The content includes: Scientific and common names of species; Product name or product description; Product volume/weight (or quantity); Information on tracing materials to the felling area; Logging date; If there is a basic processing, provide the date and volume/weight; whether it is sold as an FSC certified product, etc.

4.        The organization shall keep sales invoices or similar documents for at least 5 years and provide information including: Purchaser name and address; Date of sale; Scientific and common names of species; Product description; Sales volume/weight (or quantity); FSC FM/COC certificate number; and FSC statement as "FSC 100%".