FSC FM的標準,其
FSC FM驗證的預審或年審時,可以考慮以下資料來源的整備與其他因素,以備驗證。
Criterion 8.5. The Organization shall have
and implement a tracking and tracing system proportionate to scale, intensity
and risk of its management activities, for demonstrating the source and volume
in proportion to projected output for each year, of all products from the
Management unit that are marketed as FSC certified.
準則8.5. 組織應依經營活動規模、強度和風險適切制訂及實施追蹤及追溯系統,揭示所有產自經營單元且有FSC驗證標記之產品,其來源與數量是有依照每年的預計產量的比例。
組織提供紀錄,包括:年度彙總表、明細表、放行單等,內容包含:物種學名及俗名;產品名稱或產品說明;產品材積/重量(或數量); 追溯物料到伐區的資訊;伐採日期;假如有在林地施作基礎,提供加工之日期與材積/重量;及標示是否以FSC驗證產品販售等內容。
組織提供至少保存5年的銷售發票或類似文件,內容包含: 採購者名稱和地址; 銷售日期;物種學名及俗名;產品說明;銷售材積/重量(或數量);FSC FM/COC證書號碼;及FSC聲明"FSC 100%"。
The 10 principles and 70 criteria of FSC FM
Standard are universally applied. Therefore, when applying for the pre-audit or
annual audit of FSC FM certification on national, public, and private
forestlands, managers can consider preparing the following data sources and
other factors for verification:
Criterion 8.5. The Organization shall have
and implement a tracking and tracing system proportionate to scale, intensity
and risk of its management activities, for demonstrating the source and volume
in proportion to projected output for each year, of all products from the
Management unit that are marketed as FSC certified.
Data Sources to be Prepared
The organization shall develop and implement
a tracking and tracing system, including: Procedures、Records、Invoices、Shipping documents, etc.
The products marked with the FSC trademark by
the organization have their source and quantity in proportion to the annual
planned output.
The organization shall provide Records,
including: Annual volume summary; Input/output tables, etc. The content
includes: Scientific and common names of species; Product name or product
description; Product volume/weight (or quantity); Information on tracing
materials to the felling area; Logging date; If there is a basic processing,
provide the date and volume/weight; whether it is sold as an FSC certified
product, etc.
The organization shall keep sales invoices or
similar documents for at least 5 years and provide information including: Purchaser
name and address; Date of sale; Scientific and common names of species; Product
description; Sales volume/weight (or quantity); FSC FM/COC certificate number;
and FSC statement as "FSC 100%".