2024年10月1日 星期二

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 6.3 & I 6.3.3 & S。From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria(C 6.3 & I 6.3.3 & S

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,森林經營委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求。

6.3 Compliance requirements符合性要求

6.3.3 Fundamental ILO conventions基本國際勞工組織公約 Forest practices and operations shall comply with fundamental ILO conventions.

Note: Eight ILO conventions (ILO 29, 87, 98, 100, 105, 111, 138 and 182) identified by the ILO’s Governing Body as“fundamental” in terms of principles and rights at work: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the effective abolition of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 森林實務和操作應遵守基本的國際勞工組織公約。





1.        組織提供證明遵守八項 ILO 核心公約的相關文件,例如:合約書、工資單、保險繳納證明、與工會商議或協議、職業安全健康管理程序文件。

2.        進行員工訪談與調查,了解員工對工作條件、薪資福利、工會活動等方面的滿意度。

3.        建立有效的投訴機制,讓員工能夠提出勞動條件方面的問題。

4.        提供員工有勞動法規和職業安全健康教育訓練的紀錄。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified:

6.3 Compliance requirements

6.3.3 Fundamental ILO conventions Forest practices and operations shall comply with fundamental ILO conventions.

Note: Eight ILO conventions (ILO 29, 87, 98, 100, 105, 111, 138 and 182) identified by the ILO’s Governing Body as“fundamental” in terms of principles and rights at work: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; the effective abolition of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Preparation of possible information:

        The organization's forest management activities must comply with the eight core labour standards recognized by the International Labour Organization and ensure that employees have fundamental rights such as freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, freedom from forced labour, prohibition of child labour, and the elimination of discrimination in employment.

Therefore, the organization should prepare the following data:

1.        The organization provides relevant documents to prove compliance with the eight core ILO conventions, such as: contracts, pay stubs, proof of insurance contributions, negotiations or agreements with trade unions, and documents of occupational safety and health management procedures.

2.        Implement employee interviews and surveys to understand employees' satisfaction with working conditions, salary and benefits, union activities, etc.

3.        Establish an effective complaint mechanism to enable employees to raise concerns about working conditions.

4.        Provide training records which are related to labor laws and regulations and occupational health and safety.

