2024年8月8日 星期四

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 6.2 & I 6.2.1)。From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria (C6.2 & I 6.2.1).

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC (Forest Stewardship Council,森林經營委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求。 

6.2 Management plan


6.2.1 Management plans shall be: a) elaborated and periodically updated or continually adjusted; b) appropriate to the size and use of the forest area; c) based on applicable local, national and international legislation as well as existing land-use or other official plans; and d) adequately covering forest resources.

6.2.1經營計畫應: a) 制定並定期更新或持續調整; b) 適合森林區域的規模和使用; c) 基於適用的當地、國家和國際法律以及現有的土地使用或其他官方計畫;並且 d) 充分涵蓋森林資源。


1.     經營計畫,應涵蓋森林經營的所有方面,包括森林資源及生態系統的利用、保護、恢復等,例如:森林資源利用、遊樂、生物多樣性保護、水土保持等,應將其納入經營計畫。

2.     定期更新經營計畫,例如:每年或每隔一定時間進行一次全面評估。

3.     確保經營計畫符合所有適用於森林經營的法律法規,並將其納入經營計畫。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified:

6.2 Management plan

6.2.1 Management plans shall be: a) elaborated and periodically updated or continually adjusted; b) appropriate to the size and use of the forest area; c) based on applicable local, national and international legislation as well as existing land-use or other official plans; and d) adequately covering forest resources.

Preparation of possible information:

1.     The management plan should cover all aspects of forest management, including the utilization, protection and restoration of forest resources and ecosystems, such as forest resource utilization, recreation, biodiversity conservation, soil and water conservation, etc., which should be included in the management plan.

2.     Regularly update the business plan, e.g. conduct a comprehensive review every year or at regular intervals.

3.   Ensure that the management plan complies with all applicable laws and regulations for forest management and incorporates them into the management plan.

