2024年7月27日 星期六

永續森林經營發生的二三事...PEFC 森林經營準則的實務整備(C 5.1)From the Concepts of Sustainable Forest Management to Reality: Practical Steps for PEFC Forest Management Criteria(C 5.1)

PEFCProgramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification,森林驗證認可計畫)與FSC(Forest Stewardship Council,森林管理委員會),同為全球兩大森林驗證系統,PEFC2024/6/30前,也驗證近3億公頃的林地。在2023年中,全球的有六千三百萬公頃林地同時接受PEFCFSC的雙驗證。全球林業經營者,在追求森林的永續經營上,所採用的經營標準內容,有否差異呢?我們將瞭解PEFC的驗證框架之原則與準則內容,及如何準備PEFC驗證的要求。

5.1 The organization shall provide a commitment:

a) to comply with the sustainable forest management standard and other applicable requirements of the certification system;

b) to continuously improve the sustainable forest management system.


a) 遵守永續森林經營標準和驗證系統的其他適用要求;

b) 持續改進永續森林經營系統。


1.     建立完整的文件系統,包括:建立所有與森林經營相關作業活動程序書、保存與森林經營相關的記錄,例如 :巡護記錄、伐採記錄、土壤和水質監測數據、員工培訓記錄、與利害關係人的溝通記錄等。

2.     落實永續森林經營實踐,包括:採取措施保護森林的生物多樣性,例如設置保護區、恢復退化林地; 採取措施保護土壤和水質,例如減少肥料的使用、設置緩衝帶; 採取措施適應氣候變遷,例如種植耐旱樹種、改善森林防火措施; 尊重當地社區的權益,與當地社區建立良好的合作關係。

3.     定期對森林經營系統進行內部稽核,找出潛在的問題並及時糾正、將內部稽核結果提交給管理階層審查,並制定糾正措施。

4.     針對所有與森林經營相關的員工提供相關培訓,確保他們了解並遵守相關規定並不斷提升員工的專業知識,以應對森林經營領域的新發展。

5.     定期收集員工、利害關係人和其他方面的反饋意見,以改善森林經營系統。

6.     制定持續改善計畫並定期追蹤改善計畫的執行情況,並評估其效果。

7.     需有高層管理人員的支持承諾與承諾書,確保森林經營系統得到充分的資源和重視。


PEFC and FSC are the two biggest names in forest certification. So, what's the difference between these two systems? Are they asking forest managers to do completely different things to get certified? Let's dive into PEFC and see what it takes to get certified.:

5.1 The organization shall provide a commitment:

a) to comply with the sustainable forest management standard and other applicable requirements of the certification system;

b) to continuously improve the sustainable forest management system.

 Data Sources to be Prepared

1.        Establish a comprehensive documentation system: This includes developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all forest management activities and maintaining records related to forest management, such as patrol records, harvesting records, soil and water quality monitoring data, employee training records, and communication records with stakeholders.

2.        Implement sustainable forest management practices: This involves taking measures to protect biodiversity, such as establishing protected areas and restoring degraded forest land; protecting soil and water quality, such as reducing fertilizer use and establishing buffer zones; adapting to climate change, such as planting drought-resistant tree species and improving forest fire prevention measures; and respecting the rights of local communities and building strong partnerships with them.

3.        Conduct regular internal audits of the forest management system: Identify potential problems and correct them promptly. Submit internal audit findings to management for review and develop corrective actions.

4.        Provide relevant training to all employees involved in forest management: Ensure they understand and comply with relevant regulations and continuously improve employees' professional knowledge to address new developments in the field of forest management.

5.        Regularly collect feedback from employees, stakeholders, and other sources to improve the forest management system.

6.        Develop continuous improvement plans and regularly track the implementation of improvement plans and evaluate their effectiveness.

7.    Require the support and commitment of senior management, including a written commitment, to ensure that the forest management system receives adequate resources and attention.

